Monday, May 31, 2010

Do You Really Want To Keep Cockatiels ?

What comes first is that you do not consider keeping cokatiels "just as something to do." If you do not have the enthusiasm, it is best not to become involved with aviculture. If you do love birds in general and cockatiels in particular, and if you have patience, understanding, and enthusiasm, then it is possible that you may become a "TRUE COCKATIEL FANCIER!"
Keeping a cockatiel as a pet costs money. The amount depends upon your budget. If you decide at the outset to buy several cages and to have aviaries built to order from the best possible material, then this can become extremely expensive. But if you start off modestly, cockatiel keeping will not cost that much. As long as you still have two hands, you can build your own breeding cages and the price of one or two pairs of cokatiels is not going to break you.
As long as you restrict yourself to one or two pairs of cockatiels, you should be able to manage your feeding budget. In time you will master the hobby and become a fully qualified breeder. At this point, if you have the necessary spare time and space, making a modest profit is not out of the question. And theoretically, over the years, it may even be possible to make a significant sum from the sale of cockatiels. I say "theoretically" because the actual outcome maybe quite different. Consider the example of a hobbyist friend of mine who retired from his job. With many years of breeding experience behind him, he decided to undertake a large breeding project. That man took no risks. He had everything carefully worked out: the cost of cages and aviaries, the cost of foodstuffs, the work involved, and even the price he would have to charge for young birds to make profit. The true rewards of the cockatiel fancy cannot be reckoned in terms of monetary gain. And if the love of the hobby does not come first, then the pleasure will be lost. Anyone who looks at birds as investments is totally on the wrong track.